Free Early Years Webinar Series
Photo by Jimmy Dean
BC Early Years Professional Development Hub is offering a 5 module Welcome to the Behaviour in the Early Years webinar series, available until February 28, 2025, with one certificate per completed module once participants have watched the video and answered the quiz questions within the video. It is not necessary to complete all five webinars.
The free course features five early years professionals. Each facilitator shares their expertise in the field and provides learners with strategies and approaches for understanding children’s behaviours.
As well as the quiz questions embedded in each webinar, each video is accompanied by a downloadable worksheet to support learning goals and provide action items to improve practice.
The Five Modules are:
1. Dr. Tina Payne Bryson: No Drama Discipline for Educators
a. Dr. Tina Paynes Bryson holds a Ph.D. from USC and is an author writing on early childhood brain development. She runs a multidisciplinary clinical practice in Southern California and works as a speaker, workshop facilitator and consultant.
2. Monique Gray Smith: What’s Love Got to Do with It? Books, Brains, Hearts, and Spirits
a. Monique Gray Smith, who is of Cree and Scottish lineage, is an award-winning author, speaker and teacher who trained as a Psychiatric Nurse and has worked in various capacities in community and as a consultant since 1990, weaving history, resilience and trauma-informed training for educators, social workers, librarians and early childhood teams, and offers the lived experience of over 32 years sobriety and of moving through a healing journey. She holds provincial government appointments and is the elected President of the Board of Directors for the Victoria Native Friendship Centre. In 2019, she received the City of Victoria Leadership Award for Reconciliation.
3. Dr. Shelley Moore: Supporting One, Supporting All: Needs-Based Support Models for Inclusive Communities
a. Dr Shelley Moore, who recently received a Ph.D. from UBC, is a teacher, researcher, speaker, storyteller and author who has worked with school districts and community organizations internationally, supporting and promoting equity for all learners.
4. Dr. Iheoma Iruka: Advancing Equitable Learning Opportunities for Racially and Culturally Minoritized Learners
a. Dr. Iheoma Iruka is a Research Professor at UNC Chapel Hill and the Founding Director of the Equity Research Action Coalitions at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at that university. An author and speaker addressing systemic inequities and advancing research and action on the well-being of children and families, Dr. Iruka serves on numerous American national and local boards and committees. She has received awards of distinction and was recently named a 2023 American Psychological Association (APA) Fellow.
5. Dr. Vanessa Lapointe: Co-Creating Childhood: Collaborating with Parents for Optimal Development
a. Dr. Vanessa Lapoint holds a doctoral degree in psychology, with nearly 20 years as a practising psychologist prior to her current career as author and international speaker and media guest. She is the founder of the North Star Developmental Clinic and has a background of work with families, community mental health, and the school system.