Emotional Well Being Resources from Sesame Street
Photo by Fares Hamouche on Unsplash
Sesame Workshop offers a range of resources for children’s emotional well-being, including videos and activities, in English and Spanish.
A PSA for the “Love, Your Mind Today” campaign features Elmo and friends showing how humming can help support children’s emotional well-being when dealing with big emotions.
The When You’re Concerned section includes a group of short videos featuring the Sesame Street characters and their human friends, helping to familiarize the role and value of therapy and provide exercises to help manage emotions.
Sofia the Feelings Helper video introduces Sofia, Sesame Street’s own social worker.
The Ocean Bottle video demonstrates how, in tough moments, we can slow down and focus on our senses to allow our bodies and minds time to relax and reset.
Count on This! The 6-Second Hug video explores how hugs that last six seconds or more are best for soothing minds and calming bodies, for children and for adults.
Count on This! 3 Things video demonstrates the value of stepping back, taking a pause, and spotlighting “the good stuff”.
Parent Resource Page worksheet suggests resources for parents who are concerned about, or considering seeking professional support for, your child’s emotional well-being.
Taking Care of My Brain worksheet is designed to help children understand how important our brains are, and how we can take care of them.
For Parents & Caregivers: When You’re Concerned article provides information on a range of support options
For Providers: Mental Health Resources is a downloadable resource page compiled by The American Psychological Association.
Helping Children Soothe Themselves worksheet offers two simple, hands-on ways to help children who are overwhelmed by big feelings.
Shout-Out to the Feelings Helpers! Short video offers “a furry, fuzzy thank you” to mental health providers from the characters, actors and team at Sesame Street.
Nurturing Connections offers resources in English and Spanish:
My Grown-Up Cares explores the many ways in which children benefit from their relationships with caring adults.
My Feeling Garden colouring exercise helps children explore and talk about different feelings
The Feelings Garden video helps children explore, and learn to take care of, different feelings.
I Notice, I Feel, I Can offers a three-step plan to help children manage challenging emotions.
Finally, the page provides links to a wide range of emotional well-being resources from the Sesame Workshop site, including links to related topics such as Social Emotional Skills, Building Resilience in Children and Families, and Family Bonding.