The Kelty Centre Has Launched a NEW Podcast: Introducing Where You Are
Photo by Unsplash user: Tim Gouw
Episode 1: Bounce Back: Promoting Resiliency in Children and Youth
In this episode, hosts Char and Michelle speak with Lynne Godfrey (parent and grandparent) and Dr. Linda Uyeda to explore resiliency, understand its connection to mental and physical health, and cultivating resiliency in children and youth. Lynne Godfrey has worked with the FORCE (now FamilySmart) and is currently the project lead for the Surrey/North Delta Local Action Team for CYMHSU. She is a mother and a grandmother who actively promotes resiliency on a daily basis in her own family and knows the value it can bring to the lives of children and youth. Dr. Linda Uyeda is a family physician who works at several Fraser Health youth clinics and the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. Her own personal journey into work on resilience began 15 years ago with the birth of her first child. Like many new parents, she questioned advice she was receiving from family and friends and turned to the scientific community for answers. She expanded her medical education to exploring neuroscience, parenting, and mindfulness practices and was pleasantly surprised at what she found. After incorporating this information into her own family and medical practice with immense success, she has begun educating parents, counselors, teachers, and physicians about what she has learned.
Read Dr. Linda Uyeda's blog post here:
Confident parents, thriving kids -
Triple P Parenting:
Nobody’s Perfect Program for Parents -
Gordon Neufeld -
Ross Greene
Episode 2: Present Matters: Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing
In this episode, Paul Irving (Mindfulness champion) and Dr. Dzung Vo (founding Director of BC Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness) answer questions about mindfulness for parents and caregivers, such as how to fit the practice into busy lives, and whether Mindfulness practice can actually help a child or youth’s mental wellness. Paul Irving is currently studying business at BCIT, but before going back to school, he spent several years working with the Health Literacy Team at BC Children's Hospital promoting mental health and wellness in high schools across the province. Dr.Dzung X. Vo is a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine at British Columbia Children’s Hospital, and clinical associate professor at the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Vancouver, Canada. In partnership with Dr. Jake Locke, Dr. Vo co-developed a mindfulness training program called MARS-A, or Mindful Awareness and Resilience Skills for Adolescents, an 8-week mindfulness training program for adolescents with depressive symptoms, with or without other co-occurring chronic illness or chronic pain. He is the founding Director for the BC Children's Hospital Centre for Mindfulness, and also services on the Board of Directors for the Mindfulness in Education Network (MiEN).
View the Kelty Mental Health collection of Dr.Vo's Guided Mindfulness Meditations here:
Sitting Still Like a Frog – Snel
Listen to Dr. Vo's Mindful Movement here:
Episode 3: Decisions, Decisions: Exploring Medications for Child and Youth Mental Health
In the third episode, Dr. Dean Elbe and Alison, a mother of three children, explore medications in child and youth mental health. When it comes to the use of medications for mental health challenges, families have a lot of questions. This episode looks at some common questions parents might have, for example: Is medication necessary? Is it safe? What about side effects? Dr Dean Elbe is the Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in child and adolescent mental health at BC Children’s Hospital, where he has worked since 2007, advising clinicians, patients and families about safe and effective use of psychiatric medications. Alison is a parent, two of whose three children have had mental health challenges and have accessed the mental health services of BC Children’s Hospital and community services.
Follow Dean on Twitter! @DrDeanElbe
Medication information sheets
Medication monitoring forms
"Is My Child Taking Their Medication?" blog post by Dr. Dean Elbe