UBC Learning Circle
Photo Credit: Unsplash User Naassom Azevedo
The concept for the UBC Learning Circle began with an informal dialogue between Joe Gallagher, Rose Adams, and Dr. Evan Adams at the November 2006 Health Director’s Conference where video conferencing was being used by Health Canada to record the event. The outcome was that the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health was inspired to continue these dialogues among communities by utilizing videoconference technology.
The Learning Circle is currently developing the autumn calendar of sessions which will begin in October. For updates, you can subscribe to the mailing list through the website at https://learningcircle.ubc.ca
Recently, the Silent Genomes Project has been working to reduce access barriers to diagnosis of genetic disease in Indigenous children. A survey has been completed towards developing understanding of First Nations’ needs, preferences, and values. PowerPoint slides from an explanatory session last May for the UBC Learning Circle are available on the website showing the process being employed by the research team in their exploration of First Nations perspectives on precision diagnosis of rare diseases in British Columbia. For more information on the project, go to https://bcchr.ca/silent-genomes-project
Previous sessions on the UBC Learning Circle so far this year have also included: