BC Government Funding to Improve French-Language Services in BC
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
The provincial government is providing $250,000 to help implement initiatives that will enhance services in French and promote the linguistic vitality of the province’s French-speaking community.
The funding is part of a five-year commitment made in Budget 2018, totaling $1.25 million for French-language services. The funding is managed by the B.C. Francophone Affairs Program.
“This funding underscores this government’s commitment to provide better access to services to French-speaking British Columbians,” said Adrian Dix, Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs. “The best way to meet needs is to reach out directly to communities. I invite all eligible non-profit organizations to submit their ideas to be considered for funding.”
The application form and further information about the funding, including eligibility requirements is available at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=AF7CF013F8554FF6B30B9BB0AA14062B
The deadline for applications is Jan. 31, 2020.