The Prevention Conversation: new CanFASD online training
Photo Credit: Unsplash User Carlo Navarro
The Prevention Conversation is accredited online training program for front-line health and social services professionals to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage their clients/patients in a supportive and non-judgmental conversation about alcohol use during pregnancy, its lasting effects on the developing child, and resources and supports available to women of childbearing age.
By completing this training course, facilitators will:
- Have an understanding of the FASD Prevention Conversation: A Shared Responsibility program, it’s history and evolution;
- Understand the complex reasons why a woman may drink when pregnant and have the tools to support conversations with pregnant women;
- Be able to apply and tailor the key messages of “The Prevention Conversation”;
- Feel confident/comfortable to engage in brief empowering conversations to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancy among women ages 18-45;
- Be able to conduct universal screening for alcohol consumption with pregnant women and women of childbearing age;
- Be equipped to offer brief interventions (such as motivational interviewing) following alcohol screening;
- Understand and be comfortable discussing harm reduction strategies if a woman chooses to continue drinking in pregnancy; and
- Know how to connect with local and provincial resources.
The course is priced at $125.00 and online registration is available at