Family FUNdamentals Facilitator Training
Family FUNdamentals two-day facilitator training session will be offered on May 22 and 23 at the I Hope Family Centre, 399 Seymour River Place, North Vancouver. There is no charge for two facilitators from each agency. Any travel, accommodation, salary or other costs are the responsibility of the sponsoring agencies. Facilitators are expected to deliver the program at least once within six months after the training.
Family FUNdamentals is a comprehensive parenting program for families with children 2-4 years old that supports the healthy growth and development of their children by addressing healthy eating, the importance of play and physical activity as well as social and emotional wellbeing. Family FUNdamentals was developed by Family Services of the North Shore through its Jessie's Legacy initiative.
Family FUNdamentals is offered by community agencies that provide programming and support for families with young children. It is delivered by experienced facilitators who have completed the Family FUNdamentals Facilitator Training.
View the Family FUNdamentals Facilitator’s Manual.
To register, please contact Dawn Livera, Family FUNdamentals Coordinator at: before May 9, 2014 (early registration is recommended as space is limited).
Read more about Family FUNdamentals.